Monday, April 27, 2020

What Should I Know About The Black Church in America?

What Should I Know About The Black Church in America?Every week, this weekend, The Black Church in America paper topic can be found online and on the radio. Each week the paper topic changes. Here are some tips on how to subscribe.If you're an interested American, the Black Church in America will be available to you, by phone, via email, and online. Each newspaper will publish a one-page newspaper that has a black and white photograph of the most important people in the history of the African-American community. Your religious history is represented every week in your town or city newspaper.Some cities have the white paper and some do not. Some offer their selection by subscription. Some cities offer just the black paper, while others offer both.Each week's entry is a brief article about the most important people in the history of the black community. Each article will have a brief biography and the image will be a collage photograph. For example, the black paper would list King, Tru man, and Washington.It is a fact that at times throughout our nation's history our black people have shown bigotry and prejudice against other groups of people of other religions. We need to learn the lessons of our past and move into the future.The church will be held in this country for our country. Our pastors will lead in worship and teach our young in the Word of God. It is our privilege as Christians to help those who are seeking God, so let us all come together in unity in our faith in God.Another way to make sure you stay informed about The Black Church in America is to subscribe to the newspaper, even if you don't live in the United States. Each week there is a Sunday paper available online. The day of the week is Sunday and the paper topic can be found at You can also get news alerts to your email each Sunday morning.

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